What Matters?

Big Idea: Living out the mission of the church starts with valuing what God values.

Icebreaker: What things contribute to how we develop our values?

Key Scripture:

Matthew 22:37-40; John 3:16, 10:10

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are some things that people value that seem good but ultimately end up with bad consequences?
  2. Read Matthew 22:37-40. What do you think it means to "Love" from these verses? How is it different from the way we normally think about love? Discuss what makes it hard for you to "Love" people.
  3. Read John 3:16. How often do you think about living eternally? If you thought about it more, do you think you would be more apt to share your faith with others?
  4. Read John 10:10. What do you think it means to "have life to the full"?
  5. Listen - Who can you listen to this week? Eat - Who can you share a meal with this week?



Father, thank you for being worthy of our love. Thank you for allowing us to receive your love and instructing us to love others because you first loved us. Lord, show us the opportunities when we can love others in your name. In Jesus' name, amen.