Is Peace Possible In 2023?

Big Idea: Peace is not found in the absence of problems, but is found in the presence of God.

Icebreaker: When you were a kid, what did you want most? What did you think would make you happiest?

Key Scripture:

Isaiah 26:1-4, Philippians 4:6-9, John 14:27

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Peace isn't found in the absence of problems; it's found in the presence of God. Does that change your perception of what peace is and why it's important? If so, how?
  2. What are some thoughts that tend to consume your mind? What would fixing your mind on God and His promise change for you?
  3. Read Philippians 4:6-9. What stands out to you in verses 6 & 7? What action should we take and what result will follow? What stands out to you in verses 8 & 9? What action should we take and what result will follow?
  4. What struggles have made it difficult for you to find peace recently? When facing those struggles, how can you pursue the peace that's found in God's presence?


Father, thank you that no matter what struggles we face in this life, we can find peace in your presence. In you, we find ever-present rest and security. Help us to remember this truth and lean on you in the days ahead, knowing you'll give us the peace we need, in good and tough times. In Jesus' name, amen.