Habits Of A Leader

Big Idea: Healthy habits increase our leadership capacity.

Icebreaker: Summer is coming! Talk about the plans you have or need to make for this summer.

Key Scripture:

2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Mark 15:1-5; Psalm 46:10

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Discuss who the leaders are in your life today that you allow to influence you. Why have you given them authority? What characteristics do they display?
  2. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. What stands out to you from these verses? Which parts of these verses are hard to accept? Why are they hard to accept? How important do you think humility is in leadership? How an you practice humility in your area of influence?
  3. Read Mark 15:1-5. What stands out to you from these verses? Why do you think Jesus answers Pilate's question about his identity? Do you think Jesus could of answered the accusations against him? Why didn't he answer? Do you think there are times you need to refrain form answering accusations? When are those times?
  4. Read Psalm 46:10. Why do you think this verse is so hard to practice? What are some things we can do that can help us practice this discipline?



Father, You've given each of us areas of influence and we want to make the most of them for your glory. Help us grow in humility, to grow in handling criticism, and allowing you to guide us. Help us to be more like Jesus. In His name, Amen!