History’s Mystery

Big Idea: The resurrection solves history's greatest mystery.

Icebreaker: Do you have Easter traditions? If so, what are they? How important are they to you? Why?

Key Scripture:

John 11:25, 20:1-8; Luke 24:11; Acts 2:37-39

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Have you ever felt like you were part of a movement...something bigger than you? (Examples: civil rights, pro-life or pro choice) How did you feel during that time?
  2. Pick a disciple of Jesus and try to imagine yourself in their sandals after Jesus' death but before the resurrection. What would you be thinking and feeling?
  3. If you, as the same disciple, thought that the movement was dead after Jesus' death, what are you thinking and feeling when you see him resurrected?
  4. Read Acts 2:37-39. Do you think the disciples believe that the movement is alive again? Why?
  5. How do you see Community Christian taking part in that same movement?



Father, thank you for raising Jesus from the grave and giving him victory over sin and death. Thank you for the resurrection power that is in his name. We give our praise, adoration, and commitment to his mission. Help us to live more like him. It's in His name, amen.