God Forgives

Big Idea: We are blessed because we are forgiven in Christ.

Icebreaker: Talk about your favorite place to hide...now or in the past. Why did you like it and who or what were you hiding from?

Key Scripture:

Psalm 32:1-11; 1 John 1:6-10

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Read Psalm 32:1-2. What stands out to you from these verses? How important is it that everybody understands the enormous impact of being forgiven? Why?
  2. Read Psalm 32:3-5. What stands out to you from these verses? What are the effects upon us before we confess our sin and then after we confess our sin? Share how you've experienced both the before and after effects of confession.
  3. Do you feel blessed when you're forgiven...by God and/or others? Why?
  4. Read 1 John 1:9. What does this verse show you about God? If we confess our sin, what kind of security should we feel? Do you feel secure? Why or why not?
  5. How can our group pray for you this week with regard to confession and forgiveness?


Father, thank you for wanting to forgive us! We know that we don't deserve the love that you extend to us but you choose to forgive us so that we can have this amazing relationship with you. Help us to not hide anything from you, to be transparent with you so our relationship stays open and honest so you can do your work in us. In Jesus' name, amen.