Why Is God Exclusive?

Big Idea: Jesus offers salvation to all who will receive Him.

Icebreaker: Have you ever been invited to an exclusive gathering or event? How did that make you feel?

Key Scripture:
Exodus 34:6-7; Jonah 4:2b; Psalm 89:8; Nahum 1:2b-3a; John 1:11-12; 14:6

Discussion Questions:
1. Read Exodus 34:6-7. What stands out to you in these verses? Why does God, being merciful and gracious, not clear the guilty?
2. The message talked about God being a god of love, mercy & patience, commitment and justice. Do you see justice as a good or a bad thing...or both? Why?
3. Read John 14:6. What stands out to you in this verse? Do you see a reason why being exclusive is a good thing? Explain...
4. Read John 1:11-12. From these verses, do you see Christianity as exclusive or wildly inclusive? Why?

Heavenly Father, thank You for making a way for us to receive and know You! Help us to better understand how deep, how high, and how wide is Your love for us. Help us also to get “fired-up” in our excitement to tell others about You! In Jesus’ name, amen.